.: Areal Point :.

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Program system Geodesy
This is a module program system from Geodesy and surveying. It is work from Windows 95/98/XP/Vista. Support MDI files interface and license administration are need.
The equalize plans and elevation nets included in this packed. Decision of geodesic database actives are made. Determination of polygons, geodesic direction and topographical surveys are included. Possession of data converter at geodesic devices (Leica, Topkon, Sokia) and files formats dpi/kor/txt and graphical formats CAD/ZEM/DWG/DXF are supported. The private text and CAD redactor compatible whit MS Word and ŔutoCAD 2006 are used. Potentiality to .made Digital elevation motel, preparation to tracing data , automation draft trace, side and across profiles to street raw and drain pipe are included.Grading plans to areas and line objects are planning. Supports from cadastral database management are included. Transformation coordinates and function from remote sensing images are made .For more information visit contact section of the website.